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  • Diverse user base
  • Easy to use interface
  • Wide range of features and options
  • Secure platform for online dating
  • Privacy-focused
  • Fake profiles
  • Limited features for free users
  • Unclear safety policies
  • Poor customer service


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BlackFling – Is It Worth It?


BlackFling is an online dating platform that caters to the African-American community. It was founded in 2011 by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to create a space for Black singles and couples looking for love, friendship, or just someone with whom they could share their interests. The app has grown steadily since its launch and now boasts over 2 million active users from all around the world.

The primary target audience of BlackFling are single African Americans aged 18–45 years old; however, anyone can join regardless of race or ethnicity as long as they meet the age requirement set forth by the site’s terms & conditions. In addition to providing members with access to potential partners through its matchmaking service, it also offers features such as chat rooms where people can interact directly without having to go through any formal introductions first; forums which allow them discuss topics related not only relationships but other issues too; private messaging services so that conversations remain confidential between two parties even if one user decides not reveal his/her identity publicly on their profile page etcetera…

BlackFling is currently available in five countries: USA (where it originated), Canada , UK , Australia and New Zealand . Since its inception 8 years ago this app has become increasingly popular among those seeking interracial connections especially within these regions due mainly because there aren’t many similar platforms out there offering same type services specifically tailored towards black population living outside US borders like some others do domestically inside United States itself – something which makes using this particular website quite attractive proposition indeed!

  Registration process at Black Fling isn't complicated either – you simply need provide basic information about yourself such name gender date birth email address then choose username password before being able confirm your account via link sent via confirmation email after completing form successfully afterwards start browsing profiles find matches right away free charge although premium membership options exist well should wish upgrade later down line... Finally yes does have mobile application compatible both Android iOS devices accessible respective stores easily downloading installing onto device few clicks buttons..

How Does BlackFling Work?

The BlackFling app is a dating platform designed to help African-American singles find love and companionship. It offers an easy way for users to connect with potential matches, no matter where they are in the world. The app features profiles of people from all over the globe, including countries like Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and Kenya. With its intuitive design and powerful search filters you can easily browse through thousands of user profiles based on age range or location preference – making it simple to find someone who shares your interests or values quickly!

Once you’ve found a profile that catches your eye there are several ways to start connecting with them: sending messages directly via chat; using virtual gifts such as flowers or chocolates; setting up video calls for face-to-face conversations; even arranging dates in real life if both parties agree! All these options make it easier than ever before for black singles looking for meaningful relationships online without having any geographical boundaries getting in their way.

BlackFling also allows users from different parts of the world join together by providing translation services so everyone can communicate regardless of language barriers – this feature makes sure nothing stands between two people falling head over heels into each other’s arms! Moreover, thanks to its extensive network covering more than five continents worldwide – anyone interested has access not only local but international connections too which helps widen one’s horizons when searching out compatible partners across borders..

On top of that BlackFling provides additional security measures such as verification processes ensuring every member is genuine while also giving members control over what information they want visible publicly versus privately shared within private chats only – allowing peace mind when chatting away with strangers online knowing full well everything remains confidential until ready otherwise disclosed by either party involved themselves!.

Finally last but certainly not least since launching back 2017 already amassed millions registered active daily users around planet spanning multiple nationalities races ethnic backgrounds religions ages sexual orientations genders identities etc… showing just how popular go mainstream fast becoming preferred choice many single seeking special somebody share rest lives!.

  • 1.Advanced Search: Allows users to search for potential matches based on their individual preferences.
  • 2. Verified Member Profiles: All members are verified by BlackFling staff before being allowed access to the site, ensuring that all profiles are real and active.
  • 3. Discreet Messaging System: Users can send private messages without revealing personal information or contact details until they feel comfortable doing so with another user on the platform
  • 4. Video Chatting Capabilities: Members have access to video chat capabilities which allow them to get a better sense of who they’re talking too before deciding if it is worth taking things further offline in person
  • 5 . Private Photo Albums : Each member has their own private photo album where they can upload photos only viewable by other approved members
  • 6 . Location-Based Matching : The app uses GPS technology so you can find local singles near your current location

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BlackFling app is a straightforward process. First, users must download and install the application from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After launching it for the first time, they will be asked to enter their email address and create a password in order to start using it. Then, they need to provide some basic information about themselves such as gender identity (male/female), age range of potential partners that are interested in dating them (18-80+ years old) as well as ethnicity preferences if any. Finally, after submitting all details correctly verified by an automated system; users can begin searching for matches based on criteria like location or interests among other things available within this platform’s search filters options.. The minimum required age to begin dating on BlackFling is 18 years old and registration is free of charge so anyone with access can sign up without having to pay anything upfront before starting looking for dates online!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. An active mobile phone number
  • 3. Date of birth
  • 4. First and last name
  • 5. Gender identity (optional)
  • 6. Physical address (optional)
  • 7 .Credit card information for payment processing purposes 8 .Agreement to the terms and conditions

Design and Usability of BlackFling

The BlackFling app has a modern design with dark colors and contrasting highlights. The layout is easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people. The usability of the app is great; all features are clearly labeled and intuitively placed so that you can quickly access them without any confusion or frustration. There are no UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription, but there may be additional features available depending on your plan.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on BlackFling is generally good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, however users have the option to set their profile as private if they wish. There is a custom bio feature that allows you to write about yourself in more detail than just basic information such as age or gender. The “friends” feature allows you to add other members of the site so that it’s easier for them find your profile when searching through others’. Privacy settings are available allowing users to choose who can view their photos and contact details, with an added layer of security offered by signing-in via Google or Facebook accounts instead of creating a new account from scratch which helps reduce fake accounts being created. Location info reveals city but not exact address meaning distance between two people cannot be determined accurately without further communication between both parties; this location info can also be hidden if desired giving extra privacy options for those wanting complete anonymity online while using BlackFling services. Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as unlimited messaging access and higher ranking within search results making it easier for potential matches discover your profile quickly among thousands of others’ listed on the website at any given time!


BlackFling is a dating website that provides users with an easy and convenient way to meet potential partners. The site offers various features such as profile creation, messaging, photo uploads, and more. Users can search for matches based on their interests or location. Additionally, the site has several advantages including its user-friendly interface which makes it simple to navigate; access to a large database of singles from all over the world; free membership options for those who don’t want to pay subscription fees; privacy settings so you can keep your information secure while browsing profiles online; and detailed matching algorithms designed specifically for BlackFling members.

The main disadvantage of using BlackFling is that there are no mobile apps available at this time – only desktop versions exist on both iOS and Android devices. This means users must log in through their computer instead of having instant access via smartphone app like many other popular dating sites offer today. Another downside is that because there isn’t an official app yet some features may be limited compared with what’s offered by competitors such as Tinder or Bumble due lack of development resources allocated towards creating one currently..

Safety & Security

BlackFling is a dating app that takes security and privacy seriously. To ensure the safety of its users, BlackFling has implemented several measures to protect against bots and fake accounts. All new user profiles are subject to verification before they can access any features on the platform. This process includes an email address confirmation as well as manual photo review by their staff members who make sure all photos uploaded onto the site comply with their guidelines. In addition, there is also two-factor authentication available for extra protection which requires both your password and phone number when logging in from another device or location than usual.

When it comes to privacy policy, BlackFling puts its users first – making sure no personal data will be shared without explicit consent from them beforehand or unless required by law enforcement agencies if necessary; this includes not selling any information about customers’ usage patterns nor using cookies for tracking purposes either within or outside of our service environment (unless legally obligated). Furthermore, all communication between parties remains encrypted end-to-end so only those involved have access to what was said during conversations held through our system – ensuring maximum confidentiality at all times!

Pricing and Benefits

BlackFling is a mobile dating app that helps people find their perfect match. The question many users have is whether the app requires a paid subscription or if it’s free to use.

The basic version of BlackFling does not require any payment and can be used for free by anyone who downloads the app on their phone. This allows users to create an account, search through profiles, send messages and photos, as well as receive notifications when someone has viewed your profile or sent you a message. However, there are some features that require payment in order to access them such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging capabilities with other members of the site.

For those interested in getting more out of BlackFling they offer three different tiers: Basic ($9/month), Premium ($19/month) & VIP (29$/ month). Each tier offers additional benefits over what’s available with just using the basic version including increased visibility within searches from other members; enhanced privacy settings; exclusive access to events hosted by Blackfling; ability for premium subscribers only being able view certain member profiles etc.. Prices are competitive compared similar services offered elsewhere making this an attractive option for those looking get most out of online dating experience without breaking bank balance too much!

Cancellation process easy enough – simply log into your account select ‘cancel my membership’ option found under billing section website dashboard which will immediately stop all future payments associated plan . Refunds also possible depending circumstances so best contact customer service team directly discuss options further detail before committing anything long-term basis .

Ultimately , while paying subscription isn’t essential using Blackfling , doing so opens up range extra features make overall user experience far better than would otherwise case !

Help & Support

BlackFling offers a range of support options for its users. The first way to access help is through the ‘Help’ page on their website. This provides answers to commonly asked questions and can be used as an initial source of information before seeking further assistance from customer service representatives.

The second option is by emailing BlackFling directly with any queries or issues you may have encountered while using the site, either via their contact form or at [email protected] . They aim to respond within 24 hours but this response time could vary depending on how busy they are and how complex your query might be; however, customers generally receive a prompt reply when contacting them in this manner.

Finally, if you would prefer speaking directly with someone over the phone then there are two telephone numbers available: one based in Australia (1800 612 868) and another number which operates internationally (+61 2 9266 5400). Both lines operate between Monday-Friday during business hours so it’s best not to call outside these times unless absolutely necessary as no one will answer your call! Generally speaking though, customer service staff members are friendly and helpful when contacted via phone too – just like when sending emails – so don’t hesitate if that’s what works best for you!


1. Is BlackFling safe?

BlackFling is a safe website for users to connect with others who share similar interests. The site takes the security of its members seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that all interactions are secure. All profiles must be verified before they can become active, which helps reduce fake accounts and spamming from occurring on the platform. Additionally, BlackFling employs encryption technology in order to protect user data such as passwords or payment information from being compromised by malicious third parties. Furthermore, there is an extensive list of safety tips available on their website that users should review prior to using any online dating service so they know how best to stay safe while interacting with other people online.

2. Is BlackFling a real dating site with real users?

BlackFling is a legitimate dating site with real users. It has been around since 2006 and offers an online space for singles to meet, flirt, and connect. The website claims that it has over 2 million members from all over the world who are looking for casual encounters or long-term relationships. BlackFling also provides its users with various features such as chat rooms, instant messaging services, profile creation tools and more in order to help them find compatible matches quickly and easily. Additionally, the website also offers safety tips on how to stay safe while using their service so that you can have peace of mind when engaging in conversations with other members on the platform.

3. How to use BlackFling app?

Using the BlackFling app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you will be prompted to create an account by entering a valid email address and creating a secure password. After that, you can start browsing through profiles of other users who are looking for casual dating opportunities in your area. You can send messages to those whom you find interesting as well as use advanced search filters such as age range or location to narrow down potential matches even further! Additionally, if someone catches your eye but isn’t online at the moment – don’t worry! The BlackFling messaging system allows users to save their conversations so they can pick up where they left off when both parties become available again later on. Finally, if things progress between two people then there is also an option for arranging dates via private chat rooms which provide additional security measures like end-to-end encryption technology ensuring all communications remain confidential throughout every stage of communication with another user within this platform

4. Is BlackFling free?

BlackFling is not a free service. However, they do offer several different membership options to suit the needs of their users. The basic membership option allows you to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles for free, but does not allow you to communicate with anyone or view any additional content on the site. To access all features of BlackFling including messaging and viewing member photos and videos, an upgrade is required which can be purchased in monthly increments at various prices depending on how long your subscription will last.

5. Is BlackFling working and can you find someone there?

BlackFling is a dating website that caters to African-American singles. It has been around since 2009 and offers its users the opportunity to meet potential partners in their area or even further away if they so choose. The site provides an easy way for members to connect with each other, as well as access various features such as messaging, chat rooms, forums and more. While it may not be the most popular online dating service out there today, BlackFling does have a loyal following of people who are looking for love or companionship through this platform. Whether you’re seeking something serious or just casual fun – BlackFling can help you find someone special!


To conclude, BlackFling is a great dating app for people looking to find partners. The design and usability of the app are very good; it’s easy to navigate and use. Safety and security measures have been put in place so that users can feel secure while using the platform. Help & support staff are always available if needed, providing quick responses when contacted by email or phone call. Finally, user profile quality is also excellent as profiles provide enough information about potential matches without being too overwhelming with details or photos that could be considered inappropriate by some users. All these features make BlackFling an ideal choice for those who want to explore their options when it comes to finding love online!

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Author Nicole Hall

Nicole Hall is a professional writer from the Pacific Northwest. She has a passion for exploring the world of words and has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in English literature and has had her work published in a variety of outlets, including newspapers, magazines, and online publications. Nicole loves to travel and has visited many countries, providing her with ample material to draw upon for her writing. She is an avid reader and enjoys learning about new cultures and ideas. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, and playing the piano. Nicole is dedicated to creating thoughtful, engaging pieces that will inform, educate, and entertain her readers.