Combined orgasm: what it is and how to recognize and promote it

September 13, 2024
Combined orgasm: what it is and how to recognize and promote it


Source: iStock

What is combined orgasm and how to experience it

Female pleasure: a complex and ever-changing universe. L’Female orgasm is something extremely subjective that changes in intensity and involvement based on countless variables. Among the most well-known female orgasms is thecombined orgasm, a peak of pleasure that is achieved through several stimulations of various erogenous zones.

What is a combined orgasm?

To experience an orgasm, it is important to Feeling comfortable with your partner and let yourself go completely to the sensations and emotions you experience during intimacy. When you are in tune with your partner and let go of the pleasure, you can experience orgasm or, even, combined orgasm. This type of orgasm is based on the Stimulation of multiple erogenous zones which can occur with penetration, kissing, tongue or fingers: the combination of these stimulations can lead to the achievement of an orgasm very intense and addictive, such as the combined one.

How to try to achieve combined orgasm?

To try to achieve combined orgasm, it is essential not to stop at just one area or action, but to combine other pleasurable sensations with that of penetration: for example, one can stimulate the external clitoris with the fingers, or while performing cunnilingus the hands can stimulate the clitoris or nipples. Or, again, while one hand caresses and stimulates the clitoris, the tongue and lips explore the neck. In short, the combinations that can be tried are many; the only caution is to Talk and share with your partner what you like and what, on the other hand, you don’t. For example, if you know that certain areas of your body cause you particular pleasure, tell your partner so that he or she can stimulate them and focus on those at the same time so that you can experience immense pleasure.

Important is to let go, don’t focus on achieving orgasm or combined orgasm, but just think about feeling good and experiencing pleasure: only then can you live without performance anxiety in the moment and, perhaps, arrive at the achievement of orgasm.

Recognizing the combined orgasm

Of course, there is no one way to identify the achievement of combined orgasm, nor is there only one way to achieve it: it changes from person to person, depending on the areas stimulated. Therefore, playing together to discover and learn about desires, fantasies and most sensitive erogenous zones will be a unique time for you and your partner to experience sexuality in the best possible way.

Not all orgasms are the same

Every woman has different sensitivities and every orgasm she may experience may be different: there are those that give intense pleasure, those that last a long time, and those that are so weak you barely notice them.

To date we know that orgasm is one : the distinction between clitoral and vaginal orgasm is based only because of the different area of stimulation of the clitoris that triggers the orgasm itself. It is thought, in fact, that in the anterior area of the vagina (where the G-spot was thought to be located) with arousal an orgasmic platform called the CUV (Clito-Urethro-Vaginal zone) is formed, the stimulation of which causes pleasure and, in some cases, orgasm. Orgasm provoked in this way leads some women to experience different and subjective sensations of pleasure.

Why choose to experience combined orgasm?

L’combined orgasm is like a secret touch aimed at all women who desire a little “more” in their pleasure besides classic penetration: perhaps they can’t get to pleasure by penetration alone Or they simply need the extra stimulation. Areas to be touched and words to be said are like a unique puzzle, different from person to person; it is like a’sensory adventure to share with your partner, a journey into sexuality that not only strengthens the bond as a couple, but adds a new dimension to pleasure.

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