Does having lots of sex invigorate and extend life? What research says

September 12, 2024
Does having lots of sex invigorate and extend life? What research says
  • Studies show a correlation between sexual activity and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. This includes heart disease, stroke, and even some cancers.
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The benefits of sex: what science says

How good is it to make love with your partner? Being intimate with your partner, getting to know each other, experimenting, playing and having fun is a time not only of physical pleasure, but also of getting to know and grow as a couple. What if we told you that it is not only beautiful and enjoyable, but having sex is good for your health and extends your life?

Various researches over the years have explored the relationship between the frequency of sexual activity and longevity, obtaining interesting, though not always conclusive, results.

Having lots of sex extends life: studies

Over the years there have been a variety of studies highlighting the benefits of sex on life. Psychologist David Weeks, head of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, in his talk at a conference at the British Psychological Society outlined the results of research conducted on the sex lives of a group of volunteers. He found that those who showed less than their actual age were the same ones who claimed to make love at least three times a week, more times than other participants reported making love.

In addition, sociologists Shannon Shena of Hope College and Hui Liub of Purdue University have seen that sexual relationships between older people have a positive impact on the brain. Elderly people aged 75 to 90 years who had had sex at least once a week showed a significant improvement in cognitive ability over the next five years.

The benefits of sex

Sexual intercourse brings various benefits on the physical and mood: that’s why sex can be a great life-extending friend. But then, what are the benefits on physical and psychological well-being of a regular sex life?

  • Stronger immune system: Some studies suggest that an active sex life can strengthen the immune system. Research from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that helps fight infection.
  • Cardiovascular benefits: Sexual activity can improve cardiovascular health. A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that men who have frequent sex (at least twice a week) have a lower risk of developing heart disease than those who have less frequent intercourse.
  • Good for blood pressure: In a study conducted at the University of Michigan on women aged 57 to 85, it was found that those who practiced sex were less likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Another research, published in Behavioral Medicine, found that even simple affectionate gestures such as hugging and holding each other can help normalize blood pressure.
  • A perfect pain reliever: Headache and migraine sufferers can try having sex regularly: a study published in Cephalalgia by the German University of Muenster found that 37 percent of people with headaches experienced less pain after having sex.
  • Decreased risk of prostate cancer.: Research done by Michael Leitzmann of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, USA, and published in Jama found that if a man ejaculates 21 times or more per month, he is less likely to develop prostate cancer.
  • Better sleep: Sexual intercourse can facilitate falling asleep as well as having a better and more restful sleep.
  • Relieves stress: The release of oxyton after sexual intercourse can have a calming effect on a person, giving a sense of well-being and easing stress and sadness.
  • Boosts self-esteem: Various studies have found that those who have sex (even casual sex) have higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence than those who do not have frequent and satisfying sex.

It is evident that to have a benefit from intimate relationships and a healthier and longer life, in addition to the quantity, it is also important to talk about the quality of sexual relations. While it is true that tending to have sex two or three times a week can offer benefits on physical and mental health, it is also true that intimate relationships contribute positively to overall well-being when the quality of the relationships themselves is satisfactory to both partners. It is always important to communicate openly and listen to one’s needs and limitations and those of the partner.

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