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LadyBoyKisses Review: What You Need to Know


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating platform that connects transgender individuals and admirers from all over the world. It was launched in 2013 by a team of experts who wanted to create a safe space for people interested in exploring gender identity and sexual orientation without fear or judgement. LadyBoyKisses has grown into one of the most popular platforms among members of the LGBTQ+ community, with millions of active users around the globe.

Who can you find on this app? The main focus is on transgenders, but anyone looking for companionship outside their own gender identity will be able to find someone suitable here as well. Whether it’s friendship or something more serious like marriage – Ladyboykisses provides its members with opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise had access to so easily before now!

How many active users are on LadyBoyKisses and how it was launched? Since its launch back in 2013, there have been over 10 million registered accounts across 190 countries worldwide; making it one of largest LGBT-focused dating sites out there today! It’s owned by Global Personals Ltd., which operates multiple other niche websites such as BBWDateFinder (for plus size singles) & OurTime (for those 50+).

Who owns it and in what 5 countries is it most popular? As mentioned above, Global Personals Ltd owns this website – though interestingly enough they don’t actually run any part themselves: instead relying heavily upon third party affiliates/partnerships throughout various markets globally including Thailand , United States , Philippines , Japan & Brazil . These five nations account for majority share when we look at total traffic coming through site each month !

Is the app free to use ? Yes – although some features require payment if you want them unlocked : e g messaging others privately etc . This does not affect basic usage however which remains open everyone regardless whether premium member status achieved or not !

Does Ladyboykissess have an App ? How can user access ? Absolutely yes ; both iOS Android versions available download directly from respective stores respectively OR alternatively via direct link provided homepage itself too ! Once installed simply login using existing credentials created during registration process begin searching compatible matches straight away 🙂

How Does LadyBoyKisses Work?

The LadyBoyKisses app is a revolutionary way to connect with other users from around the world. It allows you to search for and find profiles of like-minded individuals who are interested in meeting new people, forming relationships, or just having fun. With its advanced filters and intuitive interface, it makes finding compatible matches easier than ever before. The app also offers an array of features that make communication between members simple and straightforward – including private messaging options as well as public chat rooms where conversations can be shared among multiple users at once.

When searching for potential partners on the LadyBoyKisses app, there are several different types of user categories available – such as men seeking women; women seeking men; couples looking for singles; transgenders looking for companionship etc., making it easy to narrow down your choices based on what type of relationship you’re after. Additionally, each profile includes information about their location so if you want someone closer by then this feature will help out too! Currently there are over 500 thousand active users registered across five countries: USA/Canada/UK/Australia & New Zealand – giving plenty more opportunities when it comes to connecting with others near or far away!

Once a suitable match has been found through the LadyBoyKisses platform they can start chatting right away via instant message services provided within the application itself (or alternatively use video calling). This helps break any language barriers that may exist between two parties while allowing them both time get acquainted prior taking things further offline into real life meetings should they wish too do so later down track.. Furthermore all messages sent remain secure due encryption technology built into system which ensures privacy remains protected throughout entire process .

In addition ,Ladyboykiss App also provides many additional benefits designed enhance experience even further such being able access special events held nearby area plus receive notifications whenever new interesting person joins network keeping informed whats happening all times . Moreover membership plans offer great value money depending needs requirements ranging basic free version up premium subscription packages offering unlimited access exclusive content only those willing pay little extra gain advantage ! Finally account setup quick painless takes few minutes complete providing immediate ability begin browsing thousands already existing profiles look ideal partner today !

  • 1.Free registration and profile creation
  • 2. Ability to search for LadyBoyKisses members by location, age, gender identity and interests
  • 3. Advanced messaging system with real-time notifications when messages are received or sent
  • 4. Private chat rooms where users can connect in a safe environment without fear of judgment or harassment
  • 5. Video calling feature that allows users to communicate face-to-face with other members around the world
  • 6. Photo albums so users can share pictures of themselves as well as their favorite moments

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LadyBoyKisses app is a simple process. First, you need to provide your email address and create a password. Then, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity and location. After submitting this information, users are required to upload at least one photo of themselves for verification purposes before they can start using the app’s features like searching for matches or sending messages. The minimum age requirement for registering on LadyBoyKisses is 18 years old and it’s free to register an account with them! Once registered successfully , users can begin exploring their dating options by browsing through profiles that match their preferences in terms of interests or physical attributes .

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address for verification purposes and to receive notifications from the site.
  • 3. A username, password, gender (male/female) and date of birth are required fields when registering an account on LadyBoyKisses.
  • 4. Users will need to agree to the terms & conditions before completing their registration process with LadyBoyKisses website
  • 5 .Users may also be asked to upload a profile photo in order for other members on the site can view it as part of their profile information 6 .The user is responsible for keeping his/her login credentials secure; any unauthorized use should immediately be reported by contacting customer service representatives through live chat or email [email protected] 7 .All profiles created within this dating platform must include accurate personal information about yourself such as name, location etc 8 Lastly all users have read our privacy policy prior signing up which outlines how we handle your data collected during registration

Design and Usability of LadyBoyKisses

The LadyBoyKisses app has a bright and vibrant color scheme, with pink being the main focus. The design is simple yet effective, allowing users to easily navigate through the different sections of the app. Profiles can be found quickly by using filters such as age or location which makes it easy for users to find potential matches. Usability wise, all features are intuitively laid out making them straightforward and user friendly even for those who may not have much experience in online dating apps. For paid subscribers there are additional UI improvements that make navigating around more enjoyable such as larger profile pictures and easier access to messages from other members

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on LadyBoyKisses is generally quite good. All profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them without having to sign up for an account. Users have the ability to set a custom bio as well as upload photos and videos, making it easy for others to get a better idea of who they are before contacting them. There’s also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other in order to chat or arrange meetups if desired.

When it comes privacy settings, there aren’t many options available but you do have the option of hiding your location info from other members if you wish – this means that no one will be able see what city or country you’re located in unless you choose otherwise! Additionally, there’s no Google/Facebook sign-in feature so fake accounts should not be much of an issue here either – although some may still exist due diligence is always advised when interacting with new people online regardless!

Finally premium subscribers benefit from increased visibility and access within the site; their profile appears higher up in search results than non-premium ones plus they gain access additional features such as video chats etc.. In addition premium users don’t need worry about distance between themselves and potential partners since all locations appear equally accessible regardless subscription status – though again caution should still be exercised whenever meeting someone new online especially those far away geographically speaking!


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating site that caters to transgender individuals and those who are interested in them. The website offers a safe, secure platform for users to connect with one another and find potential partners or friends. It also provides access to forums where members can discuss topics related to the trans community, as well as post personal ads seeking companionship or relationships. One of the main advantages of LadyBoyKisses is its privacy policy; all user data is kept confidential unless it’s specifically requested by other members through their profiles. Additionally, there are no hidden fees associated with using the service which makes it very accessible for people on tight budgets looking for love connections without breaking the bank.

The difference between LadyBoyKisses’ website and app lies mainly in how they display information about each member’s profile page: while both offer similar features such as messaging systems and photo galleries, only certain parts of a person’s profile will be visible depending on whether you’re accessing from your computer or mobile device respectively – this allows users more control over what information they choose share publicly versus privately within their account settings itself (e..g., age range). However due at present time Ladyboykiss does not have any dedicated dating site but rather just an app version available via Google Play Store & Apple App Store .This may be because ,the developers feel that having separate versions would require extra resources which might hinder development process thus making it less cost effective solution

Safety & Security

LadyBoyKisses is a popular dating app for transgender individuals and their admirers. The platform takes security seriously, as it has implemented several measures to protect its users from bots and fake accounts. LadyBoyKisses requires all members to verify their identity by providing valid government-issued ID documents such as driver’s license or passport before they can access the website. Additionally, photos are manually reviewed by moderators in order to ensure that only genuine profiles appear on the site. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available so that users can secure their account with an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts.

When it comes to privacy policy matters, LadyBoyKisses ensures user data safety through encryption technology which prevents any third parties from accessing personal information without permission; additionally there’s a strict confidentiality agreement between staff members regarding customer details – no one will be able share this info outside of company premises unless explicitly authorized by law enforcement agencies or court orders . All payments made via credit cards are securely processed using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol which provides maximum level of protection when transmitting sensitive data over internet networks

Pricing and Benefits

Is LadyBoyKisses Free or Paid?

LadyBoyKisses is a dating app that caters to transgender individuals. It offers users the opportunity to meet and connect with other members of the LGBTQ+ community in their area. The app is free for all users, however there are some features that require a paid subscription.

Benefits of Getting A Subscription

  • Access to premium features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging * Ability to view profiles without ads interrupting your experience * Increased visibility on searches by appearing at the top of results lists * Get highlighted notifications when someone views your profile or sends you messages

Prices & Competition

The prices for LadyBoyKisses subscriptions vary depending on how long you want it for – 1 month costs $19.99, 3 months cost $39.98 ($13 per month) and 6 months cost $59

Help & Support

LadyBoyKisses is a dating site that offers its users the opportunity to meet and interact with other members. The website provides access to support for all of its users, ensuring they have an enjoyable experience while using the platform.

The primary way in which LadyBoyKisses customers can access support is through their contact page on their website. This page allows visitors to submit any queries or issues they may be having directly via email, where customer service representatives will respond as soon as possible during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm). Additionally, there are also phone numbers available if you would prefer speaking directly with someone from customer service instead of submitting your query by email.

For those who need quick answers without needing direct assistance from a representative, LadyBoyKisses has created an FAQs section on their website containing commonly asked questions and solutions related to various topics such as account management or payment processing issues etc.. In addition this section also contains helpful information about how best use the features offered by Ladyboykisses so that new members can get up and running quickly when signing up for membership . Generally response times vary depending upon each individual case but most queries should receive some form of reply within 24 hours at most


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-1494855933906","question":["1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?"],"answer":["LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that specializes in connecting people who are interested in transgender relationships. While the site takes steps to ensure safety, such as requiring users to verify their identity and providing an online support team, it's important for users of LadyBoyKisses to take additional precautions when using the service. Users should always use caution when meeting someone new online or offline and be sure not share any personal information until they feel comfortable doing so. Additionally, members should never send money or gifts without first verifying the person\u2019s identity and intentions; this can help protect against scams which have been known to occur on some dating sites like LadyBoyKisses. Finally, if you ever experience harassment while using Ladyboykisses' services then contact customer support immediately so they can investigate further into your situation"],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?","jsonAnswer":"LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that specializes in connecting people who are interested in transgender relationships. While the site takes steps to ensure safety, such as requiring users to verify their identity and providing an online support team, it's important for users of LadyBoyKisses to take additional precautions when using the service. Users should always use caution when meeting someone new online or offline and be sure not share any personal information until they feel comfortable doing so. Additionally, members should never send money or gifts without first verifying the person\u2019s identity and intentions; this can help protect against scams which have been known to occur on some dating sites like LadyBoyKisses. Finally, if you ever experience harassment while using Ladyboykisses' services then contact customer support immediately so they can investigate further into your situation"},{"id":"faq-question-1547351909788","question":["2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2006 and has been helping men from all over the world find love ever since. It's one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet today, offering an easy-to-use platform for members to connect with each other quickly and safely. With thousands of active profiles available every day, you can be sure that there are plenty of genuine people looking for friendship or romance here. As well as providing a secure environment where users can interact without fear of being judged or harassed by others online, LadyBoyKisses also offers several features designed to make finding your perfect match easier than ever before – including detailed search filters so you can narrow down your options according to age range and location; instant messaging capabilities; email notifications when someone views your profile; live video chat rooms; forums dedicated solely to trans topics such as health advice & support groups etc.; plus much more!”],”jsonQuestion”:”2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2006 and has been helping men from all over the world find love ever since. It’s one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet today, offering an easy-to-use platform for members to connect with each other quickly and safely. With thousands of active profiles available every day, you can be sure that there are plenty of genuine people looking for friendship or romance here. As well as providing a secure environment where users can interact without fear of being judged or harassed by others online, LadyBoyKisses also offers several features designed to make finding your perfect match easier than ever before – including detailed search filters so you can narrow down your options according to age range and location; instant messaging capabilities; email notifications when someone views your profile; live video chat rooms; forums dedicated solely to trans topics such as health advice & support groups etc.; plus much more!”},{“id”:”faq-question-1809265392409″,”question”:[“3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?”],”answer”:[“Using the LadyBoyKisses app is easy and straightforward. After downloading it from either the App Store or Google Play, you will be prompted to create an account with your email address and a password of your choice. Once this step is completed, you can start browsing through profiles of other users who have signed up for the service. You can search by age range, location or interests in order to find someone that matches what you are looking for in a potential date or relationship partner. \n\nOnce you have found someone that catches your eye, simply click on their profile page where they will provide more information about themselves such as hobbies and interests along with pictures if available so that it\u2019s easier to get an idea of whether there could be some chemistry between both parties before taking things further by sending them messages via chat feature within the app itself which allows real-time communication back-and-forth without having to leave its interface at all times!”],”jsonQuestion”:”3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Using the LadyBoyKisses app is easy and straightforward. After downloading it from either the App Store or Google Play, you will be prompted to create an account with your email address and a password of your choice. Once this step is completed, you can start browsing through profiles of other users who have signed up for the service. You can search by age range, location or interests in order to find someone that matches what you are looking for in a potential date or relationship partner. \n\nOnce you have found someone that catches your eye, simply click on their profile page where they will provide more information about themselves such as hobbies and interests along with pictures if available so that it\u2019s easier to get an idea of whether there could be some chemistry between both parties before taking things further by sending them messages via chat feature within the app itself which allows real-time communication back-and-forth without having to leave its interface at all times!”},{“id”:”faq-question-4909193110220″,”question”:[“4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?”],”answer”:[“No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. It requires a subscription to access its features and services. The site offers several membership plans that vary in price depending on the length of time you wish to subscribe for. Each plan includes unlimited messaging, live video chat options with other members, detailed profile searches and more. In addition to this there are also some additional costs associated with using certain premium features such as sending gifts or unlocking private photos from other users’ profiles which may incur an extra fee at the user’s discretion.”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. It requires a subscription to access its features and services. The site offers several membership plans that vary in price depending on the length of time you wish to subscribe for. Each plan includes unlimited messaging, live video chat options with other members, detailed profile searches and more. In addition to this there are also some additional costs associated with using certain premium features such as sending gifts or unlocking private photos from other users’ profiles which may incur an extra fee at the user’s discretion.”},{“id”:”faq-question-2543620711627″,”question”:[“5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Yes, LadyBoyKisses is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2006 and continues to be a popular destination for those seeking companionship with transgender individuals. It offers users the ability to search through thousands of profiles from all over the world in order to find their perfect match. In addition, members can also use various features such as chat rooms, forums, instant messaging services and more in order make connections with other people on the site. With its wide range of options available for finding potential partners or friends online; LadyBoyKisses makes it easy for anyone looking for love or friendship within this community”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, LadyBoyKisses is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2006 and continues to be a popular destination for those seeking companionship with transgender individuals. It offers users the ability to search through thousands of profiles from all over the world in order to find their perfect match. In addition, members can also use various features such as chat rooms, forums, instant messaging services and more in order make connections with other people on the site. With its wide range of options available for finding potential partners or friends online; LadyBoyKisses makes it easy for anyone looking for love or friendship within this community”}]} –>

1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?

LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that specializes in connecting people who are interested in transgender relationships. While the site takes steps to ensure safety, such as requiring users to verify their identity and providing an online support team, it’s important for users of LadyBoyKisses to take additional precautions when using the service. Users should always use caution when meeting someone new online or offline and be sure not share any personal information until they feel comfortable doing so. Additionally, members should never send money or gifts without first verifying the person’s identity and intentions; this can help protect against scams which have been known to occur on some dating sites like LadyBoyKisses. Finally, if you ever experience harassment while using Ladyboykisses’ services then contact customer support immediately so they can investigate further into your situation

2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2006 and has been helping men from all over the world find love ever since. It’s one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet today, offering an easy-to-use platform for members to connect with each other quickly and safely. With thousands of active profiles available every day, you can be sure that there are plenty of genuine people looking for friendship or romance here. As well as providing a secure environment where users can interact without fear of being judged or harassed by others online, LadyBoyKisses also offers several features designed to make finding your perfect match easier than ever before – including detailed search filters so you can narrow down your options according to age range and location; instant messaging capabilities; email notifications when someone views your profile; live video chat rooms; forums dedicated solely to trans topics such as health advice & support groups etc.; plus much more!

3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?

Using the LadyBoyKisses app is easy and straightforward. After downloading it from either the App Store or Google Play, you will be prompted to create an account with your email address and a password of your choice. Once this step is completed, you can start browsing through profiles of other users who have signed up for the service. You can search by age range, location or interests in order to find someone that matches what you are looking for in a potential date or relationship partner.

Once you have found someone that catches your eye, simply click on their profile page where they will provide more information about themselves such as hobbies and interests along with pictures if available so that it’s easier to get an idea of whether there could be some chemistry between both parties before taking things further by sending them messages via chat feature within the app itself which allows real-time communication back-and-forth without having to leave its interface at all times!

4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?

No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. It requires a subscription to access its features and services. The site offers several membership plans that vary in price depending on the length of time you wish to subscribe for. Each plan includes unlimited messaging, live video chat options with other members, detailed profile searches and more. In addition to this there are also some additional costs associated with using certain premium features such as sending gifts or unlocking private photos from other users’ profiles which may incur an extra fee at the user’s discretion.

5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2006 and continues to be a popular destination for those seeking companionship with transgender individuals. It offers users the ability to search through thousands of profiles from all over the world in order to find their perfect match. In addition, members can also use various features such as chat rooms, forums, instant messaging services and more in order make connections with other people on the site. With its wide range of options available for finding potential partners or friends online; LadyBoyKisses makes it easy for anyone looking for love or friendship within this community


In conclusion, LadyBoyKisses is a great dating app for those looking to find partners of the same gender. Its design and usability are intuitive and easy-to-use; its safety features ensure that users can remain secure while using the app; help and support are readily available should any issues arise during use; user profiles provide detailed information about potential matches. Overall, LadyBoyKisses offers an excellent platform for finding compatible partners in a safe environment. It may be beneficial to improve certain aspects such as making it easier to filter out inactive or fake accounts from search results but overall this is still one of the best LGBT+ apps on offer today.

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Author Richard Alten

Richard Atlen is an experienced writer and reviewer specialized in online dating. He is an expert in online dating sites and apps, and has written numerous reviews for various websites and publications. He has a passion for helping people find the perfect person to share their lives with. Richard has always believed that when it comes to finding a relationship, there's no such thing as too much information. His experience and knowledge of the online dating scene make him a great resource for anyone looking for the best dating sites and apps.