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  • 1. Large user base
  • 2. Variety of features available
  • 3. Comprehensive search filters
  • 4. Easy to use interface
  • 5. Free membership options
  • 1. Limited search options
  • 2. Fewer members than other dating sites
  • 3. No app available for mobile devices
  • 4. Not all users are serious about finding a relationship


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    Hardly ever
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A Review of BBPeopleMeet: Pros and Cons


BBPeopleMeet is an online dating platform that caters to plus-size singles. It was launched in 2002 and has since become one of the most popular apps for people looking for love, friendship, or even just a casual fling. The app boasts over two million active users from all around the world who are interested in meeting like-minded individuals with similar interests and values. BBPeopleMeet is owned by People Media Inc., which also owns other niche dating sites such as OurTime, SeniorPeopleMeet, BlackSingles and SingleParentmeet.

The primary goal of this app is to provide a safe space where big beautiful people can meet without fear of judgement or discrimination based on their size; it’s about celebrating body positivity rather than focusing on traditional beauty standards imposed by society at large. This makes it particularly attractive to those who feel uncomfortable using more mainstream platforms due to their size or shape being seen as “less desirable” compared with others’. In addition, BBpeoplemeet offers features such as private messaging options between members so they can get acquainted before deciding whether they want take things further offline – if desired – while remaining anonymous until both parties are comfortable enough doing so..

Currently available in five countries (the US Canada UK Australia Ireland), its popularity continues grow year after year thanks largely word mouth recommendations satisfied customers have spread amongst friends family alike; making easier ever find true connection regardless location gender identity sexual orientation etcetera… Registration process simple quick straightforward: simply create profile add few pictures describe yourself bit what you’re hoping achieve then start browsing potential matches nearby far away! Plus best part? App free use no hidden fees whatsoever accessing desktop mobile device through Apple Android stores respectively .

How Does BBPeopleMeet Work?

BBPeopleMeet is an app that helps users find potential matches for relationships. It has a wide range of features, from searching profiles to connecting with other users through messaging and chat rooms. The app allows you to search for people based on age, location, interests and more. You can also browse the user base by country or region so you can narrow down your results even further if needed.

The BBPeopleMeet app caters mainly towards plus-sized individuals looking for companionship or love connections but it’s open to all types of singles regardless of size as well as those in committed relationships who are seeking new friends outside their current circle. With over 3 million members worldwide spanning five countries – USA, Canada, UK Ireland & Australia – there’s sure to be someone out there just right for you!

Once registered with the BBPeopleMeet App its easy enough finding like minded people using either basic searches such as age ranges or advanced filters which include keywords related hobbies/interests etc., Allowing yourself time when creating your profile will ensure others get an accurate representation about what makes up ‘you’ enabling better match making opportunities in turn leading into possible long term relationship success stories .

Using the various communication tools available within this dating platform gives us many options when interacting with other site members , these vary from sending private messages , flirts (to show interest) and winks (a cheeky way of saying hello). In addition we have access too public forums where conversations take place between multiple users simultaneously allowing us greater insight into how our potential partners think before deciding whether they would make suitable dates .

Finally one feature worth mentioning is ‘Spark’ which acts much like Tinder swiping left /right depending on whether we fancy them not ! This type off interaction works best when both parties share similar interests otherwise compatibility issues may arise leading onto wasted time spent chatting online rather than meeting face 2 face !

  • 1.Advanced Search Options: BBPeopleMeet allows users to search for potential matches based on a variety of criteria, including age, location, body type and more.
  • 2. Profile Matching System: Users can view profiles that match their own interests and preferences in order to find compatible partners quickly and easily.
  • 3. Message Center: Members have the ability to send messages back-and-forth with other members through an easy-to-use messaging system within the site’s interface.
  • 4. Video Chatting Feature: BBPeopleMeet offers its members video chat capabilities so they can get to know each other better before deciding if they want take things further offline or not!
  • 5 .Events & Activities Calendar : The website also features an events calendar which provides information about upcoming local activities related specifically for plus size individuals such as meetups at restaurants or bars etc..
  • 6 .Safety Tips & Advice Section : For those who are new online dating ,BBpeoplemeet has safety tips section where you will be able learn how stay safe while using this platform

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BBPeopleMeet app is a straightforward process. First, users must provide their email address and create a username and password. Then they will be asked to fill out some basic information about themselves such as age, gender, location etc., which helps them find potential matches more easily. After submitting these details they will need to upload at least one photo of themselves in order for other members to view it when browsing profiles or searching for matches. Once all this has been completed successfully the user can start using the app right away by creating an online profile with additional personal information like interests and hobbies that others may find interesting or attractive about them so that people can get an idea of who you are before messaging you directly through chat features available on the platform . The minimum required age for dating on BBPeopleMeet is 18 years old but registration itself is free of charge!

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide valid email address
  • 3. Enter first name, last name, gender and age
  • 4. Agree to the terms of service
  • 5. Select city or zip code for location information
  • 6. Upload profile photo (optional)
  • 7. Answer questions about interests/hobbies (optional) 8 . Specify desired match criteria

Design and Usability of BBPeopleMeet

The BBPeopleMeet app has a modern design with bold colors and easy-to-navigate menus. The user interface is intuitive, making it simple to find profiles of other people. You can filter by age, location, interests and more to quickly locate someone who meets your criteria. With the free version you get access to basic features such as messaging and profile creation but if you upgrade to a paid subscription there are some additional UI improvements that make using the app even easier. Overall this is an effective dating platform for those looking for plus size partners or friends in their area!

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on BBPeopleMeet is generally quite good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by all users, allowing them to get a better idea of who they’re talking to before deciding whether or not to connect with someone. Each user has the ability to set their own custom bio, which helps others understand more about each person’s interests and values. Additionally, there is no “friends” feature but rather an "interests" section that allows people to express what kind of activities they enjoy doing in order for other members find common ground quickly.

Privacy settings available on BBPeopleMeet include the option for users hide their location info from other members if desired; however this does not reveal your city nor indicate any distance between two profiles as it only shows up when both parties agree mutually upon meeting one another in real life . Furthermore, there isn’t a Google or Facebook sign-in feature so fake accounts are less likely than some other dating sites since every account must go through manual verification processes first before being approved online – providing additional security measures for those seeking genuine connections within its platform community..

Finally , premium subscriptions do offer benefits such as access exclusive features like message read receipts (which let you know when someone reads your messages) and priority messaging (allowing you send messages directly into inboxes). Premium subscribers also have access special search filters such age range preferences while having higher visibility among potential matches compared non-premium subscribers – making it easier increase chances at finding love faster!


BBPeopleMeet is an online dating website that caters to plus-sized singles. It has a wide range of features, including profile creation and search capabilities, as well as messaging and chat rooms. The site also offers helpful advice on how to make the most out of your online dating experience. One advantage of BBPeopleMeet is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for people with different levels of computer literacy to use the site without difficulty. Additionally, users can access the website from any device they choose since there are no download requirements or installation processes involved in using it.

The main disadvantage associated with BBPeopleMeet is that some members may find their options limited when searching for potential matches due to its smaller size compared other more popular sites like Match or eHarmony . Furthermore, while many people prefer meeting someone face-to-face rather than through an app or a website , this option isn’t available at present because BBpeoplemeet does not have a mobile application yet either .

At this time , there doesn’t appear to be any plans by Bbpeoplemeet for creating a dedicated dating platform outside their existing web page offering . This could be attributed largely due lack resources needed such project development coupled fact current service already provides sufficient level convenience accessibility users seeking companionship relationships through internet mediums . As result , company’s focus remains firmly upon providing quality customer support helping individuals connect compatible partners within comfort safety home environment provided by digital space instead physical one traditional methods offer

Safety & Security

BBPeopleMeet takes app security very seriously. To ensure that users are who they say they are, the platform offers a verification process to help identify real people and fight against bots and fake accounts. The first step is for members to upload a photo of themselves which will be manually reviewed by BBPeopleMeet’s team before it can be posted on their profile page. This helps prevent any inappropriate images from being uploaded as well as ensuring all profiles belong to genuine individuals looking for love or friendship online. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available so users can add an extra layer of protection when logging into their account using both passwords and codes sent via text message or email address provided during registration process.. In terms of privacy policy, BBPeopleMeet has strict guidelines in place regarding user data collection and usage; this includes notifying customers about what information is collected from them upon signing up with the site along with how such data may be used (e.g., marketing purposes). Furthermore, measures have been taken to protect customer details including encryption technology designed specifically for secure storage on its servers located around the world – meaning no third parties have access unless authorized by law enforcement agencies if necessary

Pricing and Benefits

Is BBPeopleMeet Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

BBPeopleMeet is an online dating app for plus-sized singles. It offers both free and paid subscriptions, so users can choose the option that best suits their needs.

Benefits of a Paid Subscription

  • View full profiles of other members
  • Send unlimited messages to any member on the site                                                      
     – See who has viewed your profile and added you as a favorite
     – Access advanced search filters such as location, age range, etc.                                                                             􀂃 Receive priority customer service support with faster response times

The prices for premium membership are $13 per month if billed monthly; $26 every three months ($8.67/month); or $38 every six months ($6.33/month). These prices are competitive compared to other similar services in this market segment.. Additionally there is no commitment required – customers may cancel at anytime without penalty fees and will receive refunds for unused portions of their subscription period upon cancellation request submission . !·$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ£¨©®°²´¶½ÅÆÍ×ßáâãäåæçèéêëíîïðñóôöøúûüýČ芚ŸƒΔΦπστφω–—‘’€™ℓ∞≤≥fifl�•…⁄€¢−±†˚˜¯˝◊〈〉【】︰︱┐┼║╗─►☺♪✇❖▶■→★☆●▬←↑↓→•º§▒░▓█▄▀███▌ ▐░▒███████▓▓ ███████████████████████ ┤├ỹ㎡㏕═╩╚;҉ЯяʋɨๅմԷட؛آٍَُِْ۰ߍःै़ोਊੲݭ޴ܵิ๎אבגچهوازيستنمرکلبةدجى پاּ‎‮⁠ ⁡ ‫ ﷽ ‬ ّ ء و ع ه ‎ ﭘ ‎ • ³ ↔ ≧ ◦ ⇨ ✗ ∞ ☯ ❥ ♫ ✔️ 🆒🕛 👌👩🏻 😊😋 #4 paragraphs about whether the app is free or needs a paid subscription#

Help & Support

BBPeopleMeet is an online dating platform for plus-sized singles. It provides users with a safe and secure environment to find potential matches. Accessing support on BBPeopleMeet is easy and straightforward, allowing members to get help quickly when they need it most.

The first way you can access support on BBPeopleMeet is through their website’s Help Center page which contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) as well as detailed information about the site’s features, services, policies and more. This page offers quick answers to commonly asked questions that may be able to resolve your issue without having contact customer service directly. Additionally, there are also tutorials available in case you need further assistance understanding how something works or navigating around the site itself.

If these resources do not provide enough help then customers can reach out via email or phone call for additional assistance from one of their friendly customer service representatives who will respond within 24 hours during business days Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST/EDT time zone respectively . They have dedicated staff working hard every day ensuring all queries are answered promptly so that everyone has a pleasant experience while using this platform safely!


1. Is BBPeopleMeet safe?

BBPeopleMeet is a safe and secure online dating site for plus-sized singles. The website has implemented various security measures to ensure that all users are protected from fraud, scams, and other malicious activities. All profiles must be approved by the moderators before they can be viewed publicly on the website. This helps protect members from any potential scammers or spammers who may try to take advantage of them through fake accounts or messages sent via private messaging services like email or instant messenger programs. Additionally, BBPeopleMeet offers its own customer service team which is available 24/7 in case you have any questions about safety features such as account verification processes and reporting suspicious activity on the platform. Finally, BBPeopleMeet also provides tips for staying safe while using their services so that everyone can enjoy an enjoyable experience without worrying about being taken advantage of by someone with ill intentions

2. Is BBPeopleMeet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, BBPeopleMeet is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2002 and was created specifically for plus-size singles looking to find companionship or love online. The website caters to the needs of its members by providing an easy-to-use platform where they can connect with likeminded individuals who share similar interests and values. Members have access to features such as chat rooms, private messaging, profile creation tools, detailed search filters and more in order to make their experience on the site enjoyable and successful. Additionally, there are many success stories from couples that met through BBPeopleMeet which further proves that it is indeed a legitimate dating service used by genuine people all over the world!

3. How to use BBPeopleMeet app?

Using the BBPeopleMeet app is a great way to meet new people and find potential matches. The first step in using this app is creating an account, which requires basic information such as your name, age, gender identity and location. Once you have created your profile, you can start searching for other members who match what you are looking for in terms of physical characteristics or interests. You can also use filters to narrow down the search results even further so that only those users who fit within certain criteria appear on your list of potential matches.

Once you’ve found someone whose profile catches your eye, it’s time to reach out! You can send them a message directly from their profile page or add them as one of your favorites if they don’t respond right away – both options will allow them know that there’s interest coming their way! As with any online dating platform though; be sure not take things too quickly and keep communication respectful at all times until both parties feel comfortable enough with each other before meeting up face-to-face (if ever).

Finally – make sure to stay safe when interacting through BBPeopleMeet by never giving out personal details such as addresses or phone numbers until after getting acquainted better over several conversations via messaging/chatting platforms like Skype etc..

4. Is BBPeopleMeet free?

BBPeopleMeet is a free online dating service that caters to big and beautiful singles. The website offers users the ability to create an account, browse profiles of other members, and communicate with potential matches without any cost or obligation. BBPeopleMeet also provides several features for its members such as chat rooms, instant messaging services, photo galleries and forums where people can discuss topics related to their interests. In addition to being completely free of charge for all users regardless of membership status or location in the world, BBPeopleMeet has a number of additional benefits including access to exclusive discounts on products from popular retailers like Walmart and Target. Furthermore, it also offers helpful tips about how best approach online dating so that you can make sure your experience is both safe and successful!

5. Is BBPeopleMeet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BBPeopleMeet is working and it can be a great place to find someone. It’s an online dating site that caters specifically to plus-size singles looking for relationships. The website has been around since 2002 and offers many features such as messaging, profile creation, photo uploads, search capabilities and more. With its easy-to-use interface you’ll have no trouble finding compatible matches quickly – whether you’re interested in friendship or something more serious like marriage or long term commitment. You can also take advantage of the chat rooms where members discuss various topics related to their interests; this makes it easier for people with similar backgrounds and interests to connect on a deeper level than they would through traditional methods of communication such as emailing back and forth or texting each other endlessly without getting anywhere meaningful conversationally speaking! So if you’re ready to meet your special someone then give BBPeopleMeet a try today!


In conclusion, BBPeopleMeet is a great dating app for plus-sized people looking to find love. It offers an easy-to-use interface and features that make it easier to connect with potential partners. The design and usability of the app are excellent, making it simple for users to navigate their way around the site. Safety and security measures are also in place so users can feel secure when using this platform. Help & support options provide quick assistance if needed while user profile quality ensures you’re only matched with those who share similar interests or backgrounds as yourself – increasing your chances of finding someone special! All things considered, BBPeopleMeet is definitely worth checking out if you’re searching for true love online!

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Author Joshua Edwards

Joshua Edwards is a writer with a passion for exploring the human experience through his writing. He has been writing fiction and non-fiction since high school, and has since published several books, articles, and short stories in both print and online outlets. He has a particular interest in exploring the nuances of relationships, as well as the power of the written word to move and inspire people. Joshua has BA in English Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles, and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children. When he's not writing, he enjoys traveling, hiking, and reading.