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  • Free to use
  • Easy registration process
  • Wide variety of users
  • Anonymous chatting
  • 1. Limited user base
  • 2. No background checks on users
  • 3. Potential for fake profiles or scammers
  • 4. Lack of in-depth matching algorithms


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Flingster – Is It Worth It?


Flingster is an innovative video chat platform that has revolutionized the way people interact with each other. It was launched in 2018 and quickly gained popularity among users from all over the world, especially those looking for a more intimate connection than traditional social media platforms can provide. The app’s user base consists of singles, couples, and groups who are interested in making new friends or finding potential romantic partners.

The Flingster app allows its users to connect with others through text messages as well as audio/video calls on their smartphones or computers via web browsers like Chrome and Firefox without having to download any additional software applications. Its interface is intuitively designed so that even first-time visitors can easily navigate it without difficulty; this makes it ideal for anyone seeking quick connections online regardless of age or technical proficiency level. Furthermore, its security measures ensure only verified members have access to personal information shared within conversations – thus providing peace of mind when using the service while also protecting against malicious activities such as identity theft or cyberbullying which could otherwise be experienced on some other apps available today.. Users must register before they can use Flingster’s services by entering basic details such as name (or username), email address & password combination plus optionally linking existing Facebook account credentials if desired during signup process too – after which they will gain immediate access upon completion!

Currently owned by Mingle Limited based out London UK – there are currently millions active monthly subscribers across five countries: United States Canada Australia New Zealand Ireland where most popular according usage statistics released earlier year 2019 . Moreover free utilize however subscription plans exist offering exclusive features not found standard version including ability customize profile page add background images upload photos etc at nominal fee per month depending chosen plan type selected time period duration commitment required . Also mobile application compatible iOS Android devices downloadable respective App Store Google Play store respectively allowing greater convenience portability whenever needed !

How Does Flingster Work?

Flingster is a revolutionary new app that allows users to connect with each other from around the world. It offers an easy and secure way for people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations and backgrounds to meet online. With Flingster’s intuitive interface you can quickly find someone who shares your interests or hobbies in no time at all! You can also search by location so you know exactly which countries have active members on the platform.

The main feature of Flingster is its chat room system where users are able to talk one-on-one with others they’ve matched up with based on their profile information such as age range, gender identity and more. Users are also able to join group chats if they wish – making it easier than ever before for them to make connections without having any prior knowledge about the person they’re talking too! Additionally, there’s even a “spy mode” option available which lets two strangers anonymously observe conversations between two different groups without being seen themselves – perfect for those looking for something extra special out of their experience!

In addition to these features there are plenty more ways that Flingster helps facilitate connection between individuals across borders; firstly through its verified user profiles which ensure safety when connecting online – this means only real people will be visible within searches made via country or region selection filters ensuring complete peace of mind while using the app itself. Secondly through its expansive network consisting over millions registered users from over 5 countries including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India . This makes it incredibly easy not just finding potential matches but actually meeting them face-to-face (or virtually) should both parties agree upon doing so after getting acquainted beforehand in private messaging rooms provided by flingsters very own built in messenger service !

Finally what sets apart flinger form other apps like tinder etc is how much control it gives back into hands off individual regarding whom he/she wishes communicate & interact instead leaving decisions upto algorithm driven matchmaking process often found elsewhere . Not only does this give power back onto end user allowing him/her take initiative however desired but additionally increases chances success since taking matters into ones own hand almost always yields better results then relying third party sources alone !

  • 1.Video Chat: Flingster offers users the ability to connect with people from around the world through video chat.
  • 2. Anonymous Chats: Users can choose to remain anonymous while chatting on Flingster, allowing them more freedom of expression and privacy.
  • 3. Gender Filter Option: With this feature, users are able to filter their search results by gender for a better user experience when searching for potential matches or friends online.
  • 4. Language Selection Feature: This allows users to select which language they would like conversations in so that everyone is comfortable communicating with each other regardless of where they’re located in the world!
  • 5 .Geo-Location Searching Tool : Allows you find someone near your area who shares similar interests as you do without having any prior knowledge about them beforehand!
  • 6 .User Profiles & Photos : Every user has an individual profile page which includes photos and information about themselves such as age, location etc., making it easier for others get know one another before deciding if they want start talking or not

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Flingster app is a straightforward process. First, you need to provide your email address and create a password for your account. You will then be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location and interests. After submitting these details you will receive an activation link in your email which needs to be clicked before completing the registration process. Once registered successfully, users can start searching for potential matches based on their preferences or use one of Flingster’s many chat rooms with people from all over the world who share similar interests as them. The minimum required age for using this dating platform is 18 years old and it’s free to register so anyone interested in meeting new people online can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a username and password for their account.
  • 3. Users should be at least 18 years of age or have parental consent to use the service, as required by law in some jurisdictions..
  • 4. All users are subject to Flingster’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before registering an account with Flingster .
  • 5. The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her own login credentials (username & password).
  • 6. Users will need access to either a computer or mobile device that meets minimum system requirements set forth by Flingster in order to register an account on its platform successfully .
  • 7

Design and Usability of Flingster

The Flingster app has a modern design with vibrant colors and sleek lines. The overall look is clean, inviting, and easy to navigate. You can easily find profiles of other people by using the search bar or browsing through categories like age range or location. Usability-wise, the app is intuitively designed so that users can quickly access all its features without any confusion. With a paid subscription you get even more options for customization such as custom profile pictures and improved UI elements like bigger fonts for easier reading on smaller screens.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Flingster is generally good. All profiles are public, and anyone can view them without signing up for an account. You can set a custom bio with details about yourself, but there isn’t a "friends" feature or anything similar available to users. Privacy settings allow you to control who sees your profile and what information they have access to; there’s also the option of using Google or Facebook sign-in features if desired. There aren’t any fake accounts that we know of either – all user profiles appear genuine! Location info in your profile includes city name only – no indication as to distance between users is given out at this time. Users do have the ability hide their location info from other members if they choose too though so privacy concerns should be minimal here! Premium subscription holders get additional benefits such as increased visibility on search results which may help attract more attention from potential matches/chat partners etc., making it worth considering for those looking for extra exposure online


At the time, Flingster does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that they focus on providing an app-based experience for their users instead of offering both an app and a web version. The mobile application allows people to connect with each other in real-time through video chat or text messages, while also allowing them to filter potential matches based on location and interests. As such, there’s no need for a separate website since all of these features are available within the mobile application itself.

Flingster offers many advantages over traditional online dating websites including its easy setup process which requires only minimal information from new users before granting access; its secure messaging system which encrypts data sent between two devices; and finally its ability to match individuals who live close by so that they can meet up more easily if desired. However, one disadvantage is that it doesn’t offer any additional services like profile creation tools or detailed search filters as found on some popular sites today – meaning you may have difficulty finding someone specific without having already established contact beforehand via another platform (e.g., social media).

Safety & Security

Flingster is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment. To ensure that only genuine users are using the app, Flingster has implemented several security measures. Firstly, all new accounts must be verified via email or phone number before they can access any of the features on the platform. Additionally, photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators to detect any suspicious activity or fake profiles created for malicious purposes such as phishing scams and identity theft attempts. Furthermore, Flingster also employs advanced AI technology to detect bots and other automated activities in order to protect against fraudsters who may try to manipulate their system for personal gain. Finally, two-factor authentication is available as an additional layer of protection so that user data remains private even if someone else gains access into their account through hacking techniques like brute force attacks or keylogging software programs

When it comes privacy policy at Flinger ,it ensures utmost confidentiality about user’s information .It does not share your information with third parties unless required legally .The company takes steps necessary towards ensuring safety & privacy while using services provided by them which includes encryption methods & use of latest technologies alongwith regular review process within organization itself

Pricing and Benefits

Flingster is a free video chat app that connects people from all over the world. It has been gaining popularity due to its easy-to-use interface and secure connection, allowing users to connect with strangers without having to worry about their safety or privacy.

The basic version of Flingster is completely free and provides access to most features such as one on one chats, group conversations, random matchmaking options and more. However there are some additional features available through a paid subscription plan which includes access premium filters for customizing your experience further along with other benefits like priority customer support service in case you have any queries or issues related to the app’s usage.

The prices for these subscriptions range between $5 – $20 per month depending on what type of package you choose; this makes it quite competitive compared with similar services offered by competitors in the market today. Additionally if at any point during your subscription period you decide that it isn’t worth keeping anymore then cancellation can be done easily via either an email request sent directly from within the application itself or by contacting customer support team who will assist in cancelling your account promptly while also providing refunds where applicable according do their refund policy guidelines set out clearly on their website page dedicated specifically towards addressing such matters concerning payments made using various payment methods accepted by them (eWallet/Credit Card etc).

All things considered whether users really need a paid subscription depends entirely upon how they intend use Flingster since many of its core functions remain accessible even without paying anything extra however those looking get something beyond just chatting may find value getting themselves subscribed so as gain full advantage all advanced capabilities provided only after signing up become members thereby making entire process much smoother enjoyable than before!

Benefits Of Paid Subscription:

  • Access To Premium Filters For Customizing Your Experience Further Along With Other Features Such As Priority Customer Support Service In Case You Have Any Queries Or Issues Related To The App’s Usage.. * Prices Range Between $5-$20 Per Month Depending On What Type Of Package You Choose Making It Quite Competitive Compared With Similar Services Offered By Competitors In Market Today . * Cancellation Can Be Done Easily Via Either An Email Request Sent Directly From Within Application Itself Or By Contacting Customer Support Team Who Will Assist Promptly While Also Providing Refunds Where Applicable According Do Their Refund Policy Guidelines Set Out Clearly On Website Page Dedicated Specifically Towards Addressing Matters Concerning Payments Made Using Various Payment Methods Accepted Them (Ewallet/Credit Card Etc)

Help & Support

Flingster provides a variety of support options for its users.

The first option is to access the help page on their website. This page contains answers to commonly asked questions and troubleshooting tips, as well as contact information for customer service representatives who can provide more in-depth assistance if needed. The response time from customer service is usually within 24 hours, depending on the complexity of the issue being addressed.

Another way that Flingster customers can get support is by sending an email directly to their customer service team at [email address]. They will respond promptly with helpful advice or further instructions about how best to resolve any issues you may be having with your account or services provided by Flingster. Additionally, they have phone lines available during normal business hours where you can speak directly with one of their agents and receive immediate assistance when necessary.

Finally, there are also several social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter where users can reach out for additional help regarding any problems they might be experiencing while using Flingster’s services or products; however it should be noted that these methods tend not offer quite as fast a response time compared to direct emails sent through the website’s contact form or calls made via telephone line due higher volume requests received through those platforms than other sources like emailing Customer Service Team mentioned earlier in this paragraph .


1. Is Flingster safe?

Flingster is a safe and secure platform for people to meet new friends, potential dates, or even just chat with strangers. The site takes security seriously by using encryption technology to protect users’ data and personal information. They also have moderators that monitor conversations in order to ensure safety on the website. Additionally, Flingster allows users the option of blocking anyone they don’t feel comfortable talking with at any time during their conversation as well as reporting any suspicious activity directly from within each chatroom window if needed. With these measures in place, it’s easy to see why Flingster has become one of the most popular online platforms for meeting new people safely and securely

2. Is Flingster a real dating site with real users?

Flingster is not a traditional dating site. It is an online video chat platform that allows users to connect with strangers from around the world in real-time. Flingster does have real users, but it’s important to note that these are anonymous people who you can’t search for or contact outside of the app itself. The purpose of Flingster isn’t necessarily about finding dates, although some people may use it as such; instead, its primary focus is on providing an easy and convenient way for individuals to meet new people without having to worry about their identity being revealed or judged by others in any way.

3. How to use Flingster app?

Using the Flingster app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple’s App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account by providing a valid email address as well as some basic information about yourself such as age, gender etc. After that you can start searching for other users who share similar interests with you through their profile pictures and descriptions in order to find someone compatible with whom to chat with anonymously via text messages or video calls using its built-in webcam feature. You also have access to various features like customizing your own avatar which makes it easier for others identify who they are talking too; creating private rooms where only those invited can join; filtering out people based on certain criteria such as location etc., making sure that no one outside of what was specified joins in; sending virtual gifts while chatting among many more options available within this great social networking platform!

4. Is Flingster free?

Yes, Flingster is free to use. The service allows users to connect with random people from all over the world for a casual chat or flirtatious conversation. It does not require any registration and can be used without providing any personal information such as an email address or phone number. All you need to do is create a username and start chatting! There are no hidden fees associated with using Flingster, so it’s completely free of charge!

5. Is Flingster working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Flingster is working and you can find someone there. The platform allows users to connect with strangers from all over the world in a safe and secure environment. You have the option of connecting via video chat or text messaging, allowing for real-time conversations with people who share similar interests as you do. It’s easy to use; simply create an account using your email address and start searching for potential matches right away! With its advanced filtering options, it’s possible to narrow down results based on gender preference, age range, location (if desired), language spoken/understood by both parties etc., so that finding someone compatible becomes much easier than ever before!


In conclusion, Flingster is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are easy to use and intuitive, making it accessible to everyone. Safety and security features provide users with the assurance that their data will remain secure while using the app. Help & support staff are friendly, knowledgeable professionals who can answer any questions you may have about your account or experience on Flingster quickly. Lastly, user profile quality is generally high; most profiles contain accurate information about potential matches so users can make informed decisions when selecting someone they would like to meet up with in person. All in all, this makes Flingster an excellent choice if you’re looking for love online!

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Author Richard Alten

Richard Atlen is an experienced writer and reviewer specialized in online dating. He is an expert in online dating sites and apps, and has written numerous reviews for various websites and publications. He has a passion for helping people find the perfect person to share their lives with. Richard has always believed that when it comes to finding a relationship, there's no such thing as too much information. His experience and knowledge of the online dating scene make him a great resource for anyone looking for the best dating sites and apps.