HER Dating App
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HER Dating App: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


HER Dating App is a revolutionary platform that has revolutionized the way people meet and connect. This app was created with an aim to help women find their perfect match, be it for friendship or something more serious. It caters specifically to lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) individuals who are looking for meaningful relationships in a safe space online. HER Dating App also provides users with access to events such as workshops, festivals and parties which provide opportunities for networking within the LBQ community worldwide.

The app was launched by Robyn Exton in 2013 after she realized there were no dating apps available exclusively catering towards LGBTQ+ women’s needs at that time period; since then it has grown exponentially into one of the most popular platforms among LBQ singles today! The company behind this innovative application is called Her Social Apps Ltd., based out of London UK but its user base spans across 5 countries including United States, Canada , Australia , New Zealand & Ireland . As per 2020 statistics there are over 4 million active users on HER Dating App from all around the world making it one of biggest networks connecting like-minded people together !

The best part about using this service? It’s free! Yes you heard right – registering on HER does not cost anything so anyone can create an account without worrying about any hidden charges or fees associated with being a member . In addition they offer additional features such as premium subscription packages where members get exclusive benefits ranging from discounts on event tickets & merchandise items etc.. Plus if you want even more convenience – yes they have mobile applications too both Android/iOS compatible versions allowing easy access anytime anywhere ! All these factors make them stand out amongst other competitors when compared side by side providing excellent value proposition overall .

How Does HER Dating App Work?

HER Dating App is a revolutionary new way to meet people. It provides users with an easy and efficient platform for connecting with like-minded individuals from around the world. The app has a range of features that make it stand out from other dating apps, such as its ability to find potential matches based on location, interests, age group and gender identity. Users can also create detailed profiles which include photos and videos in order to better showcase their personality or lifestyle preferences when searching for someone special.

Finding compatible partners on HER Dating App is simple thanks to its intuitive search filters that allow you narrow down your options quickly so you can focus only on those who are most likely suitable matches for you. You’ll be able to see how many users there are in different countries too – currently the app boasts over 5 million active members across five continents! There’s something here for everyone; whether they’re looking specifically within their own community or if they want something more diverse – this app caters both straight singles as well as LGBTQ+ couples seeking meaningful relationships online without any discrimination whatsoever..

The messaging system allows two parties involved in conversation start talking right away after matching up by sending each other private messages through the secure chat feature provided by HER Dating App . This makes communication easier than ever before while keeping all conversations safe & secure at all times due user data protection measures put into place by developers behind this innovative application . Additionally , once connected , members have access various fun activities such photo sharing games available inside of the application itself ; these help break ice between two strangers interested one another but not sure what else say beyond basic introduction !

For added security purposes , every single profile created must go through verification process ensure authenticity real person rather than fake account operated bots scammers . Furthermore , moderators regularly monitor activity take necessary steps protect against inappropriate behavior flagging suspicious accounts immediately upon detection abuse reported directly via customer service team responsible handling cases promptly efficiently providing peace mind using platform safely securely !

Finally yet importantly given rise popularity mobile applications nowadays especially ones related social networking entertainment industry ; HER Dating Apps comes equipped fully functional version optimized perfectly run smoothly devices powered Android iOS operating systems allowing greater flexibility usage terms convenience compared traditional web browsers desktop computers alike making even simpler faster connect others anywhere anytime !

  • 1.Matchmaking algorithm that takes into account personal interests, lifestyle choices and preferences.
  • 2. Private messaging feature to facilitate conversations between matches in a secure environment.
  • 3. Ability to filter potential matches by age, location and other criteria for more tailored results
  • 4. Verified profile badges so users can trust the authenticity of their connections
  • 5 .In-app video chat option for virtual dates or getting to know someone better before meeting up in person
  • 6 .Integrated calendar tool with reminders for upcoming dates

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the HER Dating App is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be prompted to create an account by entering their name, email address, date of birth (minimum age requirement for registration is 18 years old), gender identity and sexual orientation. Once these details are submitted they can then add photos from either their camera roll or social media accounts such as Facebook or Instagram. They also have the option to customize their profile with additional information about themselves such as interests, hobbies and location preferences before completing registration.

After submitting all this information users will receive confirmation that they have successfully registered for HER Dating App which allows them access to start exploring other profiles in order to find potential matches within its community of LGBTQ+ women worldwide – it’s free! From there you can send messages directly through the app’s messaging system so you can get chatting right away!

  • 1.User must be at least 18 years old
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a unique username
  • 3. Create an account password that meets the minimum security requirements
  • 4. Agree to HER Dating App’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • 5. Upload profile photo (optional)
  • 6. Enter basic information such as gender, sexual orientation, age range preferences etc., which will help other users find you in searches 7 . Allow access to your device’s location so we can show you people nearby who are also using HER Dating App 8 . Verify your identity by providing proof of ID or linking social media accounts

Design and Usability of HER Dating App

The HER Dating App app has a modern and sleek design with colors that are easy on the eyes. The layout is simple, making it easy to find profiles of other people in your area. Navigation within the app is intuitive, allowing users to quickly access different features such as messaging or creating events for others to join. Usability wise, everything works smoothly without any issues when using either an Android or iOS device. With a paid subscription you can unlock additional UI improvements like more profile options and advanced search filters which make finding potential matches even easier than before!

User Profile Quality

The profiles on HER Dating App are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and add photos to their profile for others to see. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users who know each other in real life or online connect with one another as friends on the app. Privacy settings are available so users can choose what information they want visible when creating their profile; this includes location info which reveals city but not exact address of user’s residence unless specified by user themselves. Additionally, there is an option for Google or Facebook sign-in if desired however no fake accounts exist due to rigorous verification processes put in place by HER team members prior approving any new account registrations

When it comes down to location info within profiles, users do have control over how much detail they reveal about where they live – from hiding all details entirely up until indicating just your city name only if preferred instead of more specific locations like street names etc.. Moreover premium subscribers benefit from having extra features such as being able display distance between themselves and potential matches plus receive notifications when someone likes/comments on their post among many other perks!


HER Dating App is a popular dating platform for lesbian, bisexual and queer women. It has both an app and website available to users. The HER Dating App website offers many of the same features as its mobile counterpart but with some additional advantages. The main advantage of using the site instead of the app is that it provides more options for filtering potential matches by age, location or interests than what’s available on the mobile version. Additionally, users can access message boards where they can discuss topics related to LGBTQ+ culture in greater detail than what’s possible through text messages alone on their phones. Furthermore, there are often exclusive events hosted directly from within the web interface which give members even more opportunities to meet other like-minded individuals in person if desired. On top of this however there are also some disadvantages associated with using only one medium over another such as not being able to take full advantage of all push notifications or real time messaging capabilities offered exclusively through apps today; additionally certain functions may be missing entirely when compared side by side between platforms due simply because different developers were responsible for each product respectively making them incompatible at times without proper integration support implemented into either system first hand priorly before use could occurr safely and securely across devices simultaneously connected together via cloud services technology solutions nowadays readily accessible online anytime anywhere 24/7 globally worldwide instantly right away now!

Safety & Security

HER Dating App is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. The app has implemented several measures to ensure the security of its members, such as verification methods that help identify real people from bots or fake accounts. All new user profiles are verified through email before they can access their account, helping prevent fraudsters from joining the platform. Additionally, HER uses an AI-based system to detect any suspicious activity on the app and take necessary action if needed.

When it comes to photos uploaded by users in their profile page, these images go through manual review by moderators who check them against potential violations of community guidelines set out by HER Dating App itself; this helps keep inappropriate content off the platform while also ensuring all pictures posted belong only to actual human beings using it for genuine purposes rather than automated bots with malicious intent behind them . Furthermore , two-factor authentication (2FA) is available on HER which adds another layer of protection when logging into your account so you can rest assured knowing your data remains private even if someone were able get hold of your password somehow .

In terms of privacy policy , Her dating app respects every individual’s right over personal information shared via website/app ; no third party vendors have access without prior consent & any collected data will not be sold nor used outside purpose stated at time collection ; further more there are options provided within settings tab where one could opt out completely or limit visibility certain aspects like age range etcetera

Pricing and Benefits

HER Dating App is a free app that can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play. It allows users to create profiles, search for other members in their area and communicate with them through messages and video chat.

The basic version of HER Dating App is completely free but there are also premium features available as part of a paid subscription package. The benefits of getting the paid subscription include:

  • Access to advanced search filters such as location, age range, interests etc – Unlimited messaging capabilities – Viewing who has liked your profile before you decide whether to like back – Being able to see who viewed your profile recently – Ability to upload more photos than allowed on the basic plan – Boosting visibility by being featured at the top of searches results – Receiving priority customer support when needed

The price for this premium service starts at $9 per month which makes it very competitive compared with similar dating apps on offer today. Furthermore they offer discounts if customers choose longer term subscriptions up front e.g 3 months =$18 (20% discount) 6 months=$30 (40% discount). Cancellation process is simple and straightforward; just go into settings > billing & payments > cancel membership/subscription . Refunds will only be issued within 14 days after purchase date under certain conditions so make sure you read all terms carefully before signing up!

Overall HER Dating App offers great value for money considering what’s included in its packages plus its user friendly interface makes it an attractive option even without having a paid subscription . Whether users really need one depends entirely upon how much time they want spend using this platform; those looking for something casual may not find any real benefit from upgrading while serious daters could certainly reap some rewards by doing so!

Help & Support

HER Dating App is a great platform for connecting with like-minded people. It offers users the chance to find potential partners and build meaningful relationships in an environment that encourages acceptance and understanding. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to turn if you have any questions or issues while using the app.

Fortunately, HER has various ways of providing support for its members so they can get help when needed. Users are able to contact customer service via email by submitting their query through the ‘Contact Us’ page on their website or sending an email directly from within the app itself; this usually receives a response within 24 hours depending on how busy they are at that time but most queries will receive a reply sooner than this timeframe. Additionally, there is also telephone support available which provides customers with immediate assistance during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm).

Finally, HER also features helpful FAQs pages which provide answers quickly and easily without having to wait for customer service representatives; these pages cover topics such as account settings & preferences as well as troubleshooting tips & advice regarding general usage of both mobile apps & web browsers versions of HER dating services – all accessible from one convenient location! The response times vary here too since each question may require different levels of research before being answered accurately but overall it should still be relatively quick compared other methods mentioned above


1. Is HER Dating App safe?

HER Dating App is generally considered to be a safe and secure platform for people looking to meet others. The app has multiple layers of security, including user verification through email or social media accounts, photo moderation that ensures all profile pictures are appropriate and do not contain nudity or offensive content, as well as detailed privacy settings that allow users to control who can view their profiles. Additionally, the HER team regularly reviews reports from its community members about any inappropriate behavior on the app so they can take action if necessary. All in all, HER Dating App provides an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of being judged or harassed by other users.

2. Is HER Dating App a real dating site with real users?

Yes, HER Dating App is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2013 and was created to provide an inclusive space for queer women of all types. The app features millions of members from across the world who are looking for meaningful connections and relationships in their local area or beyond. With its advanced search filters, you can easily find potential matches based on age range, location, interests and more – making it easy to connect with like-minded people nearby or further away if desired. As well as this the app also offers exclusive events such as meetups so that users can get together in person too!

3. How to use HER Dating App app?

HER Dating App is a great way to meet like-minded people and make meaningful connections. The app makes it easy for users to find potential matches in their area by setting up a profile with information about themselves, including interests, hobbies, lifestyle preferences and more. Once you’ve created your profile, the app will show you other singles who match your criteria so that you can start chatting right away! You can also use the “Discover” feature which allows users to search through profiles based on location or specific keywords. Additionally, HER has an event section where members of the community are invited to attend social gatherings such as movie nights or happy hours – perfect for meeting new friends and potentially finding love! With its intuitive design and user friendly features HER Dating App provides an enjoyable experience while helping individuals connect with one another in real life situations.

4. Is HER Dating App free?

Yes, HER Dating App is free to download and use. The app has a lot of features that make it easy for users to find the perfect match for them. It offers an intuitive user interface which makes it simple and straightforward to navigate through different sections of the app such as profiles, messages, events etc. With its powerful search feature you can easily filter out potential matches based on your preferences like age range or location. You also have access to exclusive lesbian events where you can meet other queer women in person! Additionally, there are no hidden costs associated with using this dating platform so anyone interested in finding love online should definitely give HER Dating App a try!

5. Is HER Dating App working and can you find someone there?

Yes, HER Dating App is working and it can be a great way to find someone special. The app has an extensive user base of queer women from all walks of life who are looking for meaningful connections. With its unique features such as location-based searches, detailed profile information, and in-app messaging capabilities; the app makes it easy to connect with potential matches near you or around the world. Additionally, users have access to an array of community events that allow them to meet likeminded individuals in person too! Ultimately if you’re serious about finding someone on HER Dating App then there’s no doubt that success is possible – so why not give it a try?


In conclusion, HER Dating App is a great app for finding partners to date. Its design and usability are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate the platform. The safety and security features ensure that users can feel safe while using the app as well as when meeting up with potential dates in person. Additionally, help & support services provide quick assistance if any issues arise during use of the app or if there are questions about its features or usage policies. Finally, user profile quality is high since all profiles must be verified before being approved by moderators on the platform – this ensures that only real people who meet certain criteria join HER’s community of singles looking for love online! All things considered, we highly recommend giving HER Dating App a try – you won’t regret it!

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Author Nicole Hall

Nicole Hall is a professional writer from the Pacific Northwest. She has a passion for exploring the world of words and has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in English literature and has had her work published in a variety of outlets, including newspapers, magazines, and online publications. Nicole loves to travel and has visited many countries, providing her with ample material to draw upon for her writing. She is an avid reader and enjoys learning about new cultures and ideas. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, and playing the piano. Nicole is dedicated to creating thoughtful, engaging pieces that will inform, educate, and entertain her readers.