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SawYouAtSinai Review 2023


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How Does SawYouAtSinai Work?

SawYouAtSinai is a dating app designed to help Jewish singles find their soulmate. It provides users with an easy-to-use platform that allows them to search for potential matches based on location, age, and other criteria. The app also offers features such as personalized matchmaking services, private messaging capabilities and access to the SawYouAtSinai community forum where members can connect with each other in meaningful ways. With over 100 thousand active users from more than five countries including United States of America (USA), Canada, Israel, Australia and South Africa; it has become one of the most popular online dating platforms available today.

The main feature of SawYouAtSinai is its powerful profile searching system which enables you to quickly browse through thousands of profiles belonging to different individuals who have registered on this site looking for love or friendship opportunities within their own faith group or culture. You can narrow down your searches by specifying certain parameters like gender preference , religious affiliation , language spoken etc . Additionally there are several advanced filters which allow you customize your search results even further according user’s interests & lifestyle choices .
In addition , all profiles featured on this website are manually verified by staff members before they appear publicly so that only genuine people seeking serious relationships get listed here ; thus providing a safe environment for everyone involved .

For those interested in taking advantage of personalised matchmaking service offered by sawyouatsinail – all they need do is fill out an extensive questionnaire about themselves along with uploading pictures & videos if desired afterwhich experienced professionals will use proprietary algorithms developed specifically keeping jewish values at heart while suggesting compatible partners who meet individual requirements best possible way . This ensures that every member gets exactly what he/she needs without wasting time sifting through irrelevant suggestions made otherwise due lack knowledge regarding specific cultural norms followed religiously amongst Jews worldwide thereby making sure none feel left behind !

Moreover since entire process happens under strict supervision not just anyone but certified shadchanim oversee entire operation ensuring everything goes smoothly right till end when two souls eventually unite forever creating beautiful union blessed God himself! Finally once couple decides move ahead together then company itself assists both parties planning wedding ceremony organizing special events related same throughout duration relationship giving them much needed support whatever stage life currently stands at !

  • 1.Verified Member Profiles: All members are screened and verified by SawYouAtSinai’s team of matchmakers, ensuring that all profiles are genuine.
  • 2. Personalized Matchmaking: Each member is assigned a personal matchmaker who works with them to find the perfect matches based on their individual preferences and criteria.
  • 3. Compatibility Test: A unique compatibility test helps determine which singles best fit each other’s personalities, values, goals and lifestyle choices for more successful relationships in the future.
  • 4. Private Messaging System: Members can communicate securely through an internal messaging system without revealing any personal contact information until they feel comfortable doing so at their own discretion .
  • 5. Date Coaching Services : Professional date coaches provide personalized advice to help members prepare for dating success both online or offline including conversation starters , body language tips etc .
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Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the SawYouAtSinai app is a straightforward process. First, users must create an account by providing basic information such as their name, email address and date of birth. The minimum age to register for dating services on this app is 18 years old. After submitting these details, users will be asked to provide additional personal information such as gender identity and religious affiliation in order to help match them with compatible partners based on their preferences. Once registered, they can begin browsing through profiles of potential matches or use advanced search filters if desired before connecting with someone who interests them most directly via private messaging within the platform itself or using other external communication methods provided by SawYouAtSinai like video chat options that are available at no extra cost after registration has been completed successfully .

  • 1.Provide a valid email address
  • 2. Create a unique username and password
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service
  • 4. Complete profile information including age, gender, religious background, education level etc..
  • 5. Upload at least one photo that meets SawYouAtSinai’s standards for appropriateness
  • 6. Answer questions about your personal preferences in regards to marriage such as desired location and lifestyle choices
  • 7. Submit payment for membership fees if applicable 8 .Complete verification process which may include providing additional documentation or undergoing an interview with SawYouAtSinai staff

Design and Usability of SawYouAtSinai

The SawYouAtSinai app has a modern and sleek design, with colors of navy blue, white and gold. The user interface is intuitive to use and easy on the eyes. You can easily find profiles of other people by searching through categories such as age range or location. It also allows you to save your searches for future reference so that you don’t have to start from scratch every time you log in. When purchasing a paid subscription there are additional features available which enhance the usability further; these include being able to view profile photos without having an account, advanced search filters etc.. Overall this app offers great usability for those looking for their perfect match!

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on SawYouAtSinai are quite comprehensive and public. All users can view each other’s profile, including photos, education level, religious observance and interests. Users have the option to set a custom bio which helps others learn more about them beyond what is provided in their profile information. There is also an “invite friends” feature where you can connect with your contacts who may be using the site as well. Privacy settings allow users to control how much of their personal information they share publicly or privately within the platform itself; there isn’t a Google or Facebook sign-in feature available at this time though so it’s important for users to keep that in mind when setting up accounts here!

Location info revealed in profiles varies depending on if you choose to hide your city name or not; however even without revealing one’s exact location there will still be some indication of distance between two people based off their zip code/city area (which could make finding someone close by easier). For those looking for additional benefits from having a premium subscription account – such as access exclusive features like unlimited messaging – then these added perks might just sweeten the deal!

Finally, SawYouAtSinai takes steps towards ensuring that all its members are genuine individuals by verifying every single account before allowing them onto its platform thus eliminating any potential fake accounts from infiltrating into our community space – giving everyone peace of mind knowing they’re interacting with real people only!


SawYouAtSinai is a popular online dating site that has been around for over 10 years. It offers users the opportunity to connect with other Jewish singles in their area and all over the world. The website features an extensive profile creation process, as well as detailed search options which allow users to narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, religion or hobbies. Additionally, SawYouAtSinai also provides its members with personalized matchmaking services from professional matchmakers who use traditional methods of finding compatible partners for each user’s unique preferences and needs.

The main advantages of using SawYouAtSinai are its focus on providing quality matches through personalized service; its emphasis on connecting people within the same faith community; and finally it’s free membership option which allows new members to explore what this site has to offer before committing financially into premium subscription plans. On the downside however there have been some reports about slow customer support response times when dealing with technical issues or account inquiries while others have noted that they found few active profiles during their time at this platform compared to similar sites like JDate or Matchmaker Israel .

Currently there is no official website available from SawyouatSinair but instead only a mobile app version exists where you can access your account information , browse profiles , send messages and even get notified when someone views your profile . This makes sense since most modern day daters prefer apps due their convenience factor allowing them quickly check out any updates without having log-in via web browser everytime .

Safety & Security

SawYouAtSinai is dedicated to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. They employ several measures to ensure that all accounts are genuine, including manual verification of user profiles by their staff members. The platform also utilizes sophisticated AI technology which helps detect fake or malicious accounts as well as bots before they can access the system. Furthermore, SawYouAtSinai requires each user to provide valid identification documents such as government-issued IDs in order for them to be verified on the site. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available for added security when logging into an account from any device or browser window.

In terms of privacy policy protection at SawYouAtSinai, users’ personal information is kept confidential and only shared with third parties who have agreed not use it inappropriately nor share it without permission from the individual whose data has been collected; additionally all sensitive financial information submitted through payment gateways will remain encrypted throughout every transaction process conducted on this website ensuring maximum safety against potential frauds or scams online

Pricing and Benefits

SawYouAtSinai is a popular online dating site that helps Jewish singles find their soulmates. It has been around since 2001 and boasts over 500,000 members worldwide. The app is free to use for everyone, but there are also paid subscription options available if you want more features or access to additional services.

The basic version of the app includes all the necessary tools needed for successful matchmaking such as profile creation, messaging capabilities and search filters among others. However, those who opt in for one of SawYouAtSinai’s premium plans will gain access to exclusive benefits like:

  • Access to advanced searching algorithms
  • Matching with other users outside your area – Personalized coaching sessions from experienced professionals – Customizable privacy settings – Ability to hide profiles from certain searches – Priority customer service support

There are three different pricing tiers depending on how long you wish your subscription period be; monthly ($36), quarterly ($90) or yearly ( $300). These prices may seem steep compared with some competitors but they offer great value considering what’s included in each plan plus discounts when signing up longer periods at once .

Cancelling a membership can easily be done through the website by going into “My Account” section and clicking on “Cancel Subscription". Refunds depend on which type of payment was used initially; credit card payments get fully refunded while PayPal payments only receive partial refunds due its processing fees already incurred during signup process . In conclusion , it really depends whether users feel comfortable enough using just the free version or need extra help provided by getting a paid account , either way SawYouAtSinai offers an excellent platform where people can meet potential partners safely without breaking their bank accounts

Help & Support

SawYouAtSinai is a popular online dating site for Jewish singles. The website offers users access to support services, so they can get help with any questions or issues that may arise while using the service.

The first way you can access support on SawYouAtSinai is through their contact page. Here, you will find an email address and phone number where customer service representatives are available during business hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST). Generally speaking, response times are quite quick – usually within 24 hours of submitting your inquiry via email or calling in directly by phone.

Another option for accessing support on SawYouAtSinai is their FAQs page which provides answers to commonly asked questions about the website’s features and how it works overall. This page has been designed as a helpful resource for those who need assistance but don’t necessarily want to reach out directly via telephone or email – instead providing them with easy access to useful information quickly without having wait around too long for someone else’s input/response time etc..


1. Is SawYouAtSinai safe?

Yes, SawYouAtSinai is a safe and secure website. It has been in operation since 2001 and has served thousands of users successfully over the years. The site takes security seriously with its 256-bit encryption technology to protect user data from hackers or other malicious actors. Additionally, all profiles are manually reviewed by staff members before being approved for use on the platform so that only authentic information can be shared between users who wish to connect with each other online. Furthermore, there are multiple layers of safety protocols in place such as two-factor authentication when logging into an account which helps prevent unauthorized access to personal details stored within it. All these measures make SawYouAtSinai one of the safest dating sites available today for Jewish singles looking for their soulmate online!

2. Is SawYouAtSinai a real dating site with real users?

Yes, SawYouAtSinai is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2003 and has since become one of the most popular Jewish matchmaking sites on the web. The website caters to singles looking for meaningful relationships based on shared religious values and beliefs, as well as lifestyle choices such as kosher food or Shabbat observance. In addition to providing access to thousands of potential matches from around the world, it also offers personalized advice from professional matchmakers who can help guide members through their search process. With its commitment to helping people find love that lasts a lifetime, SawYouAtSinai continues to be an invaluable resource for many singles seeking companionship within their faith community today.

3. How to use SawYouAtSinai app?

The SawYouAtSinai app is a great tool for Jewish singles looking to find their perfect match. It allows users to create detailed profiles and search through thousands of potential matches, all from the convenience of their smartphone or tablet. To get started with the app, first you will need to register an account by providing some basic information about yourself such as your name, age and location. Once registered, you can start creating your profile which includes adding photos and answering questions that help define who you are as well as what type of person would be compatible with you in terms of values and lifestyle choices.

Once completed, it’s time to begin searching for potential matches! You can use filters like age range or geographic region when conducting searches so that only relevant results appear on screen – this helps save time when browsing through hundreds (or even thousands) of possible options! Additionally if someone catches your eye while scrolling through results they have liked yours too then there is an option available where both parties can initiate contact via messaging each other directly within the application itself – no more waiting around wondering if anyone has seen/liked/replied back yet! This feature makes finding true love easier than ever before thanks its intuitive design features tailored specifically towards helping those seeking out long-term relationships succeed in doing just that: finding ‘the one’ quickly & efficiently without having waste precious hours going down dead ends along way .

4. Is SawYouAtSinai free?

SawYouAtSinai is not a free service. The company charges an upfront fee for membership, which gives access to its database of profiles and allows members to contact other users directly through the site. Additionally, there are additional fees associated with certain services such as matchmaking or coaching sessions. However, SawYouAtSinai does offer discounts on their membership packages from time-to-time so it may be worth checking out their website periodically in order to take advantage of any offers that might be available at the time you’re considering joining them.

5. Is SawYouAtSinai working and can you find someone there?

Yes, SawYouAtSinai is a successful matchmaking service that has helped many people find their perfect partner. The site was founded in 2003 and since then it has grown to become one of the most popular Jewish dating sites available today. It provides an effective way for members to meet potential partners through its unique matching system which takes into account both individual preferences and compatibility ratings from experienced matchmakers. Through this system, users can easily search for matches based on criteria such as age, location or religious background so they are more likely to find someone who meets their specific needs. Additionally, SawYouAtSinai also offers personalized coaching services from professional counselors who help guide members throughout the entire process until they have found a suitable mate that fits all of their requirements perfectly!


In conclusion, SawYouAtSinai is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and allows users to search through thousands of profiles quickly and easily. The design and usability are excellent; the safety measures in place ensure that all user data is secure, while help and support are available if needed. Additionally, the quality of user profiles on this platform is high due to its strict vetting process which helps create meaningful connections between users who have similar values or interests. All these features make it one of the best apps out there when it comes to finding love online!

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Author Joshua Edwards

Joshua Edwards is a writer with a passion for exploring the human experience through his writing. He has been writing fiction and non-fiction since high school, and has since published several books, articles, and short stories in both print and online outlets. He has a particular interest in exploring the nuances of relationships, as well as the power of the written word to move and inspire people. Joshua has BA in English Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles, and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children. When he's not writing, he enjoys traveling, hiking, and reading.