To experience love and sexuality safely always pretend to have protected sex

September 9, 2024
To experience love and sexuality safely always pretend to have protected sex

Source: iStock

Why it is important to require your partner to have protected sex

Protected sex: the highest form of love and respect for self and partner, the best way to experience sexuality and enjoy pleasure in the best way possible. For some it may seem like something limiting, holding back sexual pleasure and ruining the moment. The reality is that having protected sex is the only way there is to protect yourself and your partner’s health from sexually transmitted infections.

Since 2018, Durex has been conducting research on condom use in sexual intercourse, and for several years it has consistently shown that fewer than one in two respondents use condoms during sex, while it is increasing the practice of coitus interruptus: this type of sexual intercourse is not contraceptive and does not protect against either infectious diseases or pregnancy unwanted.

Too often, especially in recent years, we perceive safe sex, sex done with a condom, as something that limits pleasure, but, on the contrary, it is the most important aspect of experiencing sexuality in the best possible way: Safer sex means respect for yourself and your partner, it means loving and protecting yourself, it means protecting your health and your partner’s health.

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Safe sex: what it means and how to practice it

Practicing safe sex means taking measures to Reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infectionsi and prevent unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, it is important:

  • Use condoms: Male and female condoms are physical barriers that prevent blood, semen and vaginal fluids from coming into contact with a partner. This is one of the most effective methods of preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
  • Do regular testing and screening: Doing regular testing, especially if you have casual or multiple partners, helps to detect and treat any infections early.
  • Vaccinations: Vaccinating against some sexually transmitted infections, such as papilloma virus (HPV) and hepatitis B, can help prevent these infections.
  • Lubrication: using lubricants can reduce the risk of condom breakage and make sex more comfortable, while also reducing the risk of abrasions that can increase the likelihood of STD transmission.

Also beware of oral sex

It is often thought that the oral sex is free from the transmission of infectious diseases and that these only involve penetration, whether vaginal or anal. In fact, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B, HIV and chlamydia are all diseases that can also be transmitted through oral sex. It is not recommended to engage in sex (including oral sex) when there are wounds on the genitals or in the mouth to prevent microabrasions from becoming infected during sexual practice: that is why brushing teeth is not recommended before oral sex. In this case there are the Dental Dam, a kind of condom (also flavored) worn by those who engage in oral sex. There are so many solutions available, we just need to choose the one that makes us feel good and comfortable with our partner.

How to wear a condom correctly

While this aspect might take you a while the first few times, after a few times, the gestures you will make in thewearing a condom Will be mechanical and natural. Check the condom’s expiration date and store it in a place away from heat sources (so not in your pocket or wallet). Open the wrapper carefully: to avoid tearing it, do not use tents or scissors, and if you feel unsafe, open another one from the box. Once open, unroll the condom in the only possible direction directly onto the erect penis, squeezing the reservoir (i.e., the part with the bulge) to prevent air from entering.

These may seem like long and complicated gestures, especially when passion involves you, but in reality they are gestures that will not take you more than a few seconds and you will thank yourself in the future for doing them. In addition, you will always be able to make use of these moments to increase the desire or to increase your fellowship.

The false myths of condoms

How many times have we heard that condoms are time-consuming and therefore ruins the moment or “with a condom you can’t feel anything”: not only are these statements baseless, but they are also false. The time to put on the condom is equivalent to a few seconds, nothing compared to an unwanted pregnancy or disease, and with the varieties of condoms in recent decades, you can choose the ones you like best to ensure yourself and your partner’s pleasure during the presentation. If you have any doubts or need specific information, do not be afraid to contact the counseling center nearest to you-they will be able to provide all the answers to your questions.

How to ask your partner for protected sex

Talking about having protected sex with your partner may seem difficult and awkward, but it is essential to maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship. Here are some practical tips for dealing with this conversation:

  • Kindness and sincerity: express your feelings, fears, and requests in a kind and respectful manner, but also in a clear manner to avoid unplanned pregnancies and to protect yourself from disease.
  • Explain your reasons and listen: If necessary, talk and explain the benefits of having safe sex for both of you and listen to your partner if they have opinions, concerns, or questions.
  • Empathy and understanding, but leave nothing to chance: it is important to try to find an agreement that respects both of you, trying to understand your partner’s reasons, but also to listen to yourself when you want to have protected sex. Therefore, it is recommended to be prepared with condoms, Dental Dam or internal (female) condoms to practice what you have previously talked about and come to an agreement.

Talk and communicate: always

Request to having safe sex demonstrates not only an act of love and protection for oneself, and for one’s partner, but it is also a way of getting to know oneself and one’s partner. Communication, in any kind of relationship, is fundamental and Talking about one’s needs and wants with your partner even in the sexual sphere is an important condition for respecting and loving, first and foremost, yourself.

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